I am a Global Health Master’s candidate at DKU/Duke, with over 5 years development experience in blockchain.
My research interests focus on decentralized medical records (Solidity+Javascript+Python Full stack), NFTization medical info and metadata analysis (RSA Encryption), medication traceability (PoS/PoA/PoH Consensus), and trust mechanisms.
Any ideas or collaboration about blockchain and healthcare innovation are welcome to contact me:
Dongfang Wu, Yichen Wang.(2024). Revolutionizing healthcare information systems with blockchain.Frontiers in Digital Health , 5, 1329196.
Dongfang Wu, Bing Luo, Luyao Zhang, Designing Web3 Infrastructures for Federated Learning: A Path-breaking Solution for Ownership, Privacy, and Trust, ChainSci 2024, University of Zurich, arXiv:2404.09782v2
Dongfang Wu, Luyao Zhang, Chenkai Wu, Transforming Healthcare Information Systems through the Integration of Blockchain, CfC-2024 University of Zurich,Poster
Research Assisstant at Division of Medical Genetics, Duke Health System
Visting Student at University of Zurich, Funded by DKU GH
Visting Student at the University of HongKong