

I am a Global Health Master’s candidate at DKU/Duke, with over 5 years development experience in blockchain. My research interests focus on decentralized medical records (Solidity+Javascript+Python Full stack), NFTization medical info and metadata analysis (RSA Encryption), medication traceability (PoS/PoA/PoH Consensus), and trust mechanisms.

Any ideas or collaboration about blockchain and healthcare innovation are welcome to contact me: dongfang.wu[at]duke.edu



Dongfang Wu, Yichen Wang.(2024). Revolutionizing healthcare information systems with blockchain.Frontiers in Digital Health , 5, 1329196.

Dongfang Wu, Bing Luo, Luyao Zhang, Designing Web3 Infrastructures for Federated Learning: A Path-breaking Solution for Ownership, Privacy, and Trust, ChainSci 2024, University of Zurich, arXiv:2404.09782v2


Dongfang Wu, Luyao Zhang, Chenkai Wu, Transforming Healthcare Information Systems through the Integration of Blockchain, CfC-2024 University of Zurich,Poster

v50.ai Lab

There are some fun Dapps. Try it! (v50.ai website is under construction)

RedPocket on ZetaChain

Final Test

NFT your Touch/Face ID


NFT with your words
